
“Somos científicos” in the first person

Somos científicos | Alejandro Gómez-Pazo

This website was born especially thanks to my participation in the contest “Somos Científicos, sácanos de aquí”. As almost all that I had done in my career, me compete in this contest also has been relatively chance. I saw a publication about that a scientific dissemination contest open their deadline, I thought about a striking sentence in a moment and the rest is history.

I can say, without exaggeration, that the contest has been a terrific experience. For two weeks, I faced to hundred questions from children’s with a great interest to understand the work of scientific and what I doing with the boulders, or as we use drones for investigate in the coasts. Inevitably, no all questions were about Science. The children’s were also interested in our salary or about more topical things, as if we played Fortnite or watched Game of Thrones.

It is true that certain chat sessions and answer questions in the night was hardest but was well worth doing for the children’s interest and the affection that they showed me each day. This experience helped me to confirm the importance of scientific dissemination for teaching a more people our work and that these persons are identifying and may be interested in our studies.

A very recommended adventure!

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