Research items

Glaciers Landscapes during the Pleistocene in Trevinca Massif (Northwest Iberian Peninsula)


Geostructural control in the rocky coast evolution: combination between UAVs and field survey techniques

ICG Coimbra

Semi-automated methods for analysing the parameters that controlling shore platform evolution: the example of Glamorgan, South Wales

ICG Coimbra

Control estructural, mega bloques y dinámica costera del sector Oia – A Guarda (Pontevedra)

XI Jornadas de Geomorfología Litoral

ODSAS, aproximación a una herramienta open source para la estimación de las variaciones costeras

XI Jornadas de Geomorfología Litoral

XI Jornadas de Geomorfología Litoral Galicia 2022

Universidade Santiago de Compostela

Aplicación de novas tecnoloxías no estudo da costa de Galicia dirixidas a unha nova xestión no contexto do cambio global (Summary of Doctoral dissertation, Universidad Santiago de Compostela, Spain)

Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles

Shoreline Change from Optical and Sar Satellite Imagery at Macro-Tidal Estuarine, Cliffed Open-Coast and Gravel Pock-ET-Beach Environments

Journal of Marine Science and Engineering

Open Digital Shoreline Analysis System: ODSAS v1.0

Journal of Marine Science and Engineering

Tracking the behavior of rocky coastal cliffs in northwestern Spain

Environmental Earth Sciences

High resolution mapping and analysis of shore platform morphology in Galicia, northwestern Spain

Marine Geology

The Use of UAVs for the Characterization and Analysis of Rocky Coasts


Natural and Anthropogenic Variations in the Large Shifting Dune in the Corrubedo Natural Park, NW Iberian Peninsula (1956-2017)

Applied Sciences

Tracking clast mobility using RFID sensors on a boulder beach in Galicia, NW Spain


Contribution of GIS and Geochemical Proxies to Improving Habitat Identification and Delimitation for the Natura 2000 Network: The Case of Coastal Lagoons in Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsula)

Applied Sciences

Using RFID sensors for monitoring the evolution of a boulder beach in Galicia (NW Spain) during the period 2017/2018

BSG Annual Meeting 2019 - Sheffield

El uso de imágenes de alta resolución en el estudio de los cambios volumétricos en playas de bloques. El ejemplo de Laxe Brava (Ribeira, NO Península Ibérica)

X Jornadas de Geomorfología Litoral

Trends in the Recent Evolution of Coastal Lagoons and Lakes in Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsula)

Journal of Marine Science and Engineering

Recent Evolution (1956-2017) of Rodas Beach on the Cíes Island, Galicia, NW Spain

Journal of Marine Science and Engineering

The Rocky Coasts of Northwest Spain: Dynamic Processes, Sediments and Management

The Spanish Coastal Systems

Recording inter‐annual changes on a boulder beach in Galicia, NW Spain using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Earth Surface Processes and Landforms

Análisis comparativo de los distintos tipos de paisaje costeros de Galicia

Xeomorfoloxía e paisaxe xeográfica. Catro décadas de investigación e ensino: homenaxe a Augusto Pérez Alberti

Vulnerability of the Galician coast to marine storms in the context of global change

Sémata: Ciencias Sociais e Humanidades

Initial evaluation of the use of RFID sensors for monitoring the geomorphological dynamics of a boulder beach. (Oia, Galicia)

IX Jornadas de Geomorfología Litoral. Geo-Temas

Modeling the danger of ignition of wildfires in Galicia (Spain)

Revista Geográfica del Sur

Application of GIS in the morphological classification of types of coast: the example of Cies Islands (Galicia, NW Iberian Peninsula)

Geografía e Ordenamento do Território (CEGOT)

Classification through a GIS of types of coast of the Illas Cíes, Ría de Vigo.

VIII Jornadas de Geomorfología Litoral. Geo-Temas

Do you have any suggestion? Do you want to collaborate on some project?